Last year, Dr. László Naszádos, our company's head of higher education, was awarded the title of associate professor by the University of Óbuda, where the company has launched a hosted department at the Kandó Kálmán Faculty of Electrical Engineering, called "Automotive Electronic Systems Department - thyssenkrupp".


In the past year, Dr. László Naszádos has received two outstanding awards: at the end of 2023, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics awarded him the Pro Facultate Prize for his work over the past 20 years, which has been instrumental in the cooperation between thyssenkrupp and the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (VIK) of the BME. The award is a particularly high honour, as it is typically given to the university's own lecturers. 


And in June 2024, at the graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Information Technology of the University of Pannonia, he received the Pannonia Award for Higher Education for all that he has done to raise the educational standards of the Faculty of Information Technology and the professional development of its students.


thyssenkrupp has a close relationship with all three universities and the cooperation covers a wide range of areas, from thesis writing to joint projects.

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