Familiarise yourself with our Budapest competence centre, our office in Veszprém, our plant in Győr as well as our factories in Jászfényszaru and Debrecen.
The task of the Advanced Development Department is to analyse trends in auto industry and technology for the next 5-15 years, furthermore to prove the feasibility of applicable product ideas by developing prototype hardware and software.
The appeal of the work performed by the department is that following and monitoring the constantly and rapidly changing auto-industry trends requires a high degree of flexibility. Our work is diverse and fast-paced, and requires a great deal of expertise. Another essential element is that we must swiftly integrate innovations, new results and know-how into our own corporate vision, and develop the winning strategy accordingly.
The department functions as a company within the company, and we also strive to establish close cooperation with all departments involved in the areas necessary for operations. This is crucial for ensuring the appropriate flow of information between the various disciplinary areas, and essential for the smooth transfer of the developed methodologies, product concepts and technologies. We cooperate with the Department of Systems and Vehicle Dynamics in developing vehicle control algorithms,
and with the Software and Hardware Development Departments regarding the compliance of the different prototypes with various standards. In addition, our cooperation with the System Safety Department is also crucial, as developing a safety-critical system requires at the very beginning of the process, while still in the concept phase, an appropriate development process and the adherence to fundamental requirements needed for the safety classification of the future product.