Familiarise yourself with our Budapest competence centre, our office in Veszprém, our plant in Győr as well as our factories in Jászfényszaru and Debrecen.
Since we at the AUTOSAR department are in charge of both desktop and embedded software development, there are suitable tasks to be done for our colleagues with various fields of interest.
Our embedded developers are implementing AUTOSAR, a modern automotive standard following the most up-to-date version, while our colleagues are taking part personally in the work of the standardisation consortium. There are several typical areas of expertise of embedded development among our modules: e.g., communication, operating system, memory management, and diagnostics. Some of our modules are safety critical (e.g., operating system), the developers of these modules know and apply the cutting-edge automotive safety security standard.
Our desktop developers are working on creating a complex modelling, configuration, and code generation facility, which is built on modern Java-based technology (Eclipse). During their work they use technologies from diverse areas of Java and Eclipse infrastructure from persistence (XML) to modelling (EMF), including form-based editors (JFace, Eclipse Forms), graphic diagrams (Graphiti), and several code generation techniques (JET, Xtend).
Our embedded software modules play an important part in all ECU projects of the organisation, which means the software that we develop is there in all cars with a thyssenkrupp electronic steering system. We are direct suppliers of platform development and provide support in configuring communication and diagnostic modules for customer projects. Our software developers use our modelling, configuration, and code generation tool on a daily basis, which is necessary for them to manage the complexity of the modern automotive software systems and to be able to keep the market's tight deadlines for delivery. In order to ensure that our products are of high quality and in accordance with safety regulations, we collaborate with the company's quality and safety experts.
Our department is responsible for developing embedded basic software functions running on automotive electronic control units (ECU) of the company, and the modern desktop modelling tool used in the development of our steering systems.
Our embedded software covers the communication modules (CAN, FlexRay) necessary for all our automotive software projects, as well as garage diagnostic functions (e.g., UDS), services related to memory management; moreover, we develop the company's real-time safety-critical operating system and the modules necessary for ECU's status management.
Our most important desktop development is one of the most widely used working tool of our company: a modelling framework and code generation facility, which is an Eclipse-based Java application. This modelling framework enables our employees working in other departments of the company to manage the growing complexity of modern automotive software systems and to improve their efficiency with automatic code generation solutions.
As members of the AUTOSAR consortium, our employees take an active part in the standardisation process, which enables us not only to react to future challenges, but to actively shape them. Our software products are developed using modern technology, including relevant regulations, programming techniques, automatic integration, and automated testing.
Moreover, we provide support in the configuration of embedded modules developed by us in order to satisfy the needs of certain customer projects, as well as organise trainings to provide instructions on how to use the modelling tool.