Hardware Development

Our department is responsible for developing the electronics of thyssenkrupp steering systems. Our tasks involve designing the control unit (ECU), the sensors, the motor, and the motor control software; as well as the integration and the testing of the above.


Hardware Development

Our department is responsible for developing the electronics of thyssenkrupp steering systems. Our tasks involve designing the control unit (ECU), the sensors, the motor, and the motor control software; as well as the integration and the testing of the above.

What makes our work interesting?

Systems developed by us are safety critical and work under critical power and thermal conditions, which means that we need to meet very strict technical, quality, and reliability requirements. Our products are produced in very high volume, therefore the price-optimized design has high importance.

These requirements can only be met by completing each development phase to the highest professional standards and by using the most up-to-date tools and components.

Since our Budapest office is the electric and electronic (E/E) competence centre, we are responsible for the entire development life cycle of the electronics and the software, from processing customer requirements to testing the results in cars.

There are only few places where you can take part in the development of such thorough and versatile automotive electronics as with us.

Our role within the organisation

Our department together with the system and software developers is responsible for meeting the functional requirements of the steering system. We are involved both in designing the safety functions and verifying the safety of the system. 

The price of the system is highly dependent on our work; therefore it is important that we work closely together with the Procurement Department and Quality Assurance Team. It is important that we carry out the entire development and testing process of the electronics.

Main activities


The entire hardware development process for the electronic control unit is done here. Requirements are provided by automotive customers and parameters for the electronics, motor, and sensors are provided by the system developers of the company. Once we know these, we proceed with the tasks of concept design, component selection, and designing of schematics, layout and mechanics. At the same time various analyses and simulations are carried out to ensure precision, reliability, and — most importantly — safety. During these simulations thermal, EMC, and vibration behaviour of the system is examined. Testing teams are responsible for developing tools and software that enable the automation of verification and manufacturing tests.

Our department is responsible for the torque and angle sensors of the steering system and for the actuator motor. Apart from developing the components, we are also responsible for verification.

Motor control is the closest software component to hardware; that is why it is developed in our department. Our tasks include ensuring the best possible control of the motor with a minimum level of ripple and noise.

We are also responsible for the integration of the electronics, the motor, and the software. Apart from running tests, we also do systemic electronic debugging and solve supplier and customer issues, if any.

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